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Uniform Policy

Academy Uniform  

At Haven High Academy, we are mindful of the cost of uniform, and the pressures that teenagers feel as they mature. Therefore, we have tried to be flexible in our approach to ensure a sense of belonging and community as well as being cost effective and allowing our young people a sense of individuality. We are also mindful of the fact that we need to make sure that all students are kept safe, and this is the rationale behind decisions on jewellery, false nails and hoodies. 

Below is a breakdown of the school uniform at Haven High Academy:

We run a tiered uniform within the Academy with Year 7 and 8 students wearing black V necked jumpers and Years 9 to 11 wearing blazers. All students are required to wear Haven High Academy ties. 

Trousers and skirts should be black and tailored. No jeans, lycra, leggings or jeggings. Tights should be black. Shirts should be white with a collar that can take a tie. 

Years 7 and 8:

Image of the years 7 and 8 uniform

Years 9, 10 and 11:


Image of the year 9 to 11 uniform

Please note the following points (we respect individuality, but we need to ensure health and safety within a school setting): 

  • Any jewellery allowed must be easily removable when required at certain lessons or events such as PE or Motor mechanics or Hair and Beauty or any other times when requested. This is to ensure no accidents happen. Students need to comply quickly with no arguments. 

  • Ear studs may be worn but no hoops or anything that is loose or dangly. Anything that cannot be removed easily is also not permitted e.g. spacers. 

  • Students should not have an extreme hairstyle or wear excessive make-up. Please note that it is staff who shall decide what is extreme or excessive. 

  • Any student with hair longer than collar length may be asked to tie their hair up in certain circumstances if deemed unsafe, e.g. using a Bunsen burner in science, PE lessons, etc. 

  • No gel or acrylic nails (these can potentially cause harm to the wearer or to others e.g. PE and cannot be easily removed). Clear or natural nail varnish is permitted. 

  • All students need to have a bag for books etc 

  • Please make sure all items are clearly marked with student’s name 

  • Shoes should be flat, plain black polishable or patent - shoes must not have any logos / visible branding.

  • Socks must be black, as a block colour with no writing. 

  • Coats/jackets must not be worn in class unless permitted by a staff member in cold circumstances. Coat hoods should never be up inside the building. Coats to be plain blue or black where possible.

  • Students in Year 9 and above may wear a Haven High jumper under their blazer in cold weather.

  • Under no circumstances may hoodies be worn.

  • Hats, caps and balaclava masks should not be worn within the Academy. 

PE Kit (Boys and Girls):      
  • Plain black shorts or black tracksuit bottoms 

  • Plain Colour long-sleeved shirt or t-shirt or Colour polo shirt (Colour of your choice)

  • Plain Colour sweat top (no hoody tops, (colour of your choice)

  • Plain black football socks (for outdoor wear) 

  • Trainers (non-marking sole) (no plimsolls) 

  • Football boots when playing football

  • Shin pads are required for those in football teams

  • Haven High Polo shirt and jumpers come in red, yellow, green, blue and purple with the school logo.

School Uniform can be obtained from Nationwide School Uniforms and Downtown Stores. No stocks are kept in school. 

Downtown Superstore, Boston, Wyberton Chain Bridge, Boston PE21 7NL. 

Here you can view the Downtown website

To visit Nationwide School Uniforms' website for Haven High Academy uniform
Here you can view the Nationwide School Uniform website.

If you have any questions regarding the expectations, please contact the school.



Please view the image below of the current academic year school ties.

Image of the current school ties



Please view the images below of examples of acceptable and unacceptable school shoes.

Image of acceptable shoes