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Our Academy

We are relentlessly ambitious for our students, academy and local community, and understand the importance of us all working together to secure our aspirations. At Haven High we have high expectations of students and staff that help us to succeed. We expect our students to work hard to fulfil and exceed their academic potential - and to pursue their talents and passions. We do this through offering a broad, knowledge-rich curriculum, and a caring, supportive learning environment. 

A warm welcome to Haven High Academy

Welcome to Haven High. 

At Haven High we are committed to providing an exceptional, aspirational and inclusive education, driven by ambition, where all members of our community can reach their full potential.  This will be achieved by being relentlessly ambitious for ourselves, each other and the community. 

I am looking forward to working together with students, staff, parents and the whole community to help make our dreams of providing an exceptional level of education to students at Haven High.  This will include upholding high standards of attendance, discipline, respect and pride in our appearance.  We value effort, engagement and excellence, and seek to reward those that demonstrate these traits through our rewards system.   

At Haven High we intend to provide an ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum and takes full advantage of the opportunities available within the local, national and global communities.  Students will experience a range of learning that allows them to develop a portfolio of skills that will aid them to be successful throughout their lives.  

Opportunities to develop both academic and vocational skills are nurtured throughout the school with a clear understanding of the role of all subjects in securing this.  Students at Haven High receive daily instruction in English, mathematics and science to ensure that their core skills allow options to remain open to them both in school and beyond. 

The development of character excellence is nurtured within the taught curriculum and more widely in the pastoral care and co-curricular experiences.  The teaching of inclusivity, The British Values, Sustainability and a celebration of diversity ensures that our learners are able to ‘think globally and act locally’ ensuring our learners are ready to be compassionate and active citizens. 

Selecting the right secondary school for your child is an act of trust. I hope that, once you come to know us, you will find that Haven High is an academy that you can choose with confidence. Please do come along and attend our Open Evening so that you can find out more. I look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to Haven High. 


Austin Sheppard 

Executive Headteacher 

Mr A Sheppard
Executive Headteacher

In this section you can find out about our academy, how it operates, its visions and values, and other important information.