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Visions And Values

Academy Vision

Vision: To provide an exceptional, aspirational and inclusive education, driven by ambition, where all members of our community can reach their full potential.  

Mission: We are relentlessly ambitious for ourselves, each other and the community. 

Values: We value effort, engagement and excellence 

About The Voyage Education Partnership

The Voyage Education Partnership is committed to working with others to raise achievement for all.

Every academy within the trust places great emphasis on providing a caring environment where each young person is supported in their personal development, meeting all of their needs, as well as ensuring that each and every child and young person reaches and often exceeds their academic potential.

Our Mission

To create centres of excellence within and for the community which raises the aspirations and achievement of all stakeholders – a trust which provides care, support, guidance, challenge and empowerment for all.

Our Aims

  • Our Trust aims for all of its academies to become outstanding centres of learning.
  • Our Trust aims to promote values that last a lifetime, developing a sense of ambition and self-esteem in every individual
  • Our Trust aims to improve the outcomes and life chances for all the young people in its schools and academies
  • Through working in partnership our Trust aims to contribute significantly to the communities it serves

Find out more about Voyage Education Partnership: The website for the Voyage Education Partnership can be accessed here