Years 7 and 8
A bespoke approach and great start to Years 7 and 8 at Haven High!
We are delighted to introduce you to our bespoke Year 7 and 8 campus based at Tollfield Road in Boston.
Education of the students is our core purpose and we are passionate about providing a safe, stimulating and inspiring environment where children regardless of ability, interests or background, are able to realise their true potential.
Progress is key and we recognise the challenges of transition from Primary to Secondary school. Our campus ethos has been shaped around a key piece of Government research “KS3: the wasted years”. We have shaped the curriculum to ensure that students who join HH in Year 7 have an enjoyable and challenging experience that enables them to continue their trajectory of development and progress whilst ensuring a seamless transition from KS2. We recognise all children are different and leaders routinely modify and enhance the offer to maximise inclusivity and achievement in order to deliver a world-class education.
We take responsibility for developing the whole student and have a unique approach to developing their cultural capital through the completion of a Cultural Passport. This introduces students to a whole number of life skills e.g. ironing, sewing, polishing shoes, saying hello in 7 different languages and the list goes on. Students can aspire to achieve gold status and “graduate” during our annual celebration of achievement.
All students follow a rich and balanced curriculum which is underpinned by and equal too, or better than, the National Curriculum. In addition to the traditional English Baccalaureate subjects, the curriculum rightly includes a wide range of additional subjects such as drama, art, music, technology and sport to name a few. We have developed powerful relationships with local primary schools which ensure we have clarity around the end points of KS2 and the content required for the start of students new 5 year curriculum.
We have a unique relationship with the Lincolnshire Music Service, who are based at the Marian Road campus and to that end we are still able to offer free music lessons to students who wish to learn a musical instrument. Students can then participate in the many musical performances that take place across the year. Students have the opportunity to regularly showcase their talents on a variety levels; from performing in front of their peers in an assembly, to acting and singing in the annual production to playing in front of a large public audience in a renowned London theatre. The opportunities we offer are simply endless.
There is so much more that we could tell you about this campus but the best way is for you to visit at any time to see it in action for yourselves. Please ring Reception to book an appointment.
Essential Information
The purpose of this part of the website is to provide you with all the essential information you need to make your transition from Year 6 to 7 as smooth as possible.
If you don’t find the answers to your questions please contact our pastoral team and they will be very happy to support you.
School Day
Below is a breakdown of your lessons per day while you are at Haven High. Don’t worry if you don’t remember the timings at first, many members of the team will be at hand to support you in the initial weeks of year 7.
Timings of the day |
Description (e.g. lesson, break, lunch etc) |
8:45 to 9:10 | Tutor Time |
9:10 to 10:00 | Lesson 1 |
10:00 to 10:50 | Lesson 2 |
10:50 TO 11:05 | Break |
11:05 to 11:55 | Lesson 3 |
11:55 to 12:45 | Lesson 4 |
12:45 to 13:35 | Lunch |
13:35 to 14:25 | Lesson 5 |
14:25 to 15:15 | Lesson 6 |
When you move to secondary school, we expect you to be independent. This means we expect you to be able to do more on your own. Your equipment is your responsibility. We expect you to pack your own school bag each day and bring the correct equipment for each lesson on that day.
Every day you will be expected to have the minimum of:
A school bag to carry your belongings, for example, a pen, pencil, ruler, coloured pencil’s to use during your lessons. Your PE kit for days when you have PE lessons.
Home Learning
Home learning is set each week by your subject teachers. Home learning will be set and due the next week.
Home learning could be the form of questions, activities or notes on a specific topic.
You will be informed of a timetable for Home Learning on your entry to Year 7.
Anti-Bullying at Haven High
The schools anti-bullying policy and school documentation can be obtained from the school website at the following location: Key Information
A Haven High we believe that all students, whatever their race, culture, gender, faith, sexual orientation, physical or intellectual abilities have the right to:
- A safe and secure environment at school and on the way to and from school
- Concentrate on their educational progress without fearing others
We promote an environment which teaches students respect for others and where all members of the academy are encouraged to contribute to a caring and effective atmosphere.
All students are encouraged to speak to a member of staff if they are being made to feel uncomfortable at school or if they witness this happening to others.
Bullying cannot be dealt with if the academy is unaware of the problem so please make sure you report your worries to a trusted member of staff so actions can be taken. You can report bullying to any member of staff within the Academy and they are legally required to pass on this information to the key pastoral staff so actions can be taken.
Bullying can take many forms:
- Physical – hitting, kicking, and taking belongings
- Verbal – name calling, insulting, making offensive remarks.
- Indirect – spreading nasty stories about someone, exclusion from social groups, being made the subject of malicious rumours, sending malicious e- mails or text messages on mobile phones.
- Cyber-bullying, aggression using electronic forms of contact such as e-mail, text, chat rooms, social network, social messaging, on-line gaming.
- Coercion – forcing somebody to do something they do not want to do.
Bullying is not tolerated at Haven High.
If you (your child) experiences any form of bullying they should speak to their form tutor or their Head of Year who will investigate the issue. This could result in sanctions against the bully in line with our behaviour system.
Making Friends
- Be pleasant to those around you (including teachers)
- Work hard and be someone people look up to.
- Invite someone to eat lunch with you.
- Join a Club
- Speak to people on your journey to/from school.
- Making friends at a new school is easy and your form tutor will help you with tasks and challenges in your form time.
Who to go to if there is a problem?
All adults who you meet at Haven High will be willing to listen to you if you have a problem.
Your form tutor is the teacher who will take your register first thing in the morning. You will also stay with them for a ‘form period' for form-based work and activities.
Your form tutor is one of the main people you would go to if you have a problem.
If there is a problem with your behaviour one of those members of staff will investigate and administer our behaviour system as they see fit.
If it is a problem of a more personal nature, problems with bullying, problems at home; your year team are there to help.