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The Safeguarding Team


The Safeguarding Team at Haven High Academy can offer pupils, parents and their family resources, advice, signposting and referrals that promote children’s safety and wellbeing. Our aim is that all the children at Haven High have the best possible outcomes. On this section of the website is a selection of information leaflets you might find helpful. Please get in touch if you are worried about a child, have any questions or would like more information.


You can email The Safeguarding Team anytime on

  1. Parents Guide - Apple Parental Controls
    PDF File
  2. Parents Guide - Google-Andriod Parental Controls
    PDF File
  3. Parents Guide - Instagram Safety and Privacy Settings
    PDF File
  4. Parents Guide - Keep your child safe on Live Streaming Platforms
    PDF File
  5. Parents Guide - Keep your child safe on Roblox
    PDF File
  6. Parents Guide - Keep your child safe on TikTok
    PDF File
  7. Parents Guide - Online Sexual Harassment - Y7-Y8
    PDF File
  8. Parents Guide - Online Sexual Harassment - Y9-Y11
    PDF File
  9. Parents Guide - Parental Monitoring of Android Smartphone
    PDF File
  10. Parents Guide - Parental Monitoring of Apple Device
    PDF File
  11. Parents Guide - Parental Monitoring of Samsung Smartphones
    PDF File
  12. Parents Guide - Snapchat Privacy Settings
    PDF File
  13. Parents Guide - Supporting Young People Online
    PDF File
  14. Parents Guide - Talking to Children about Life Online
    PDF File
  15. Parents Guide - Windows-XBox Parental Controls
    PDF File
  16. Safe@HavenHigh - 5 Steps To Emotional Wellbeing
    PDF File
  17. Safe@HavenHigh - Apps That Support Childrens Mental Health
    PDF File
  18. Safe@HavenHigh - Consent - OK Verses Not OK Touch
    PDF File
  19. Safe@HavenHigh - Consent (13+) - How to Talk to Teens About Sex and Consent
    PDF File
  20. Safe@HavenHigh - Domestic Abuse - EDAN
    PDF File
  21. Safe@HavenHigh - Domestic Abuse - Worried about someone
    PDF File
  22. Safe@HavenHigh - Early Help - Its OK to Need Help Sometimes
    PDF File
  23. Safe@HavenHigh - Free Online Course for Seperated Parents
    PDF File
  24. Safe@HavenHigh - Free Online Course to Reduce Parental Conflict
    PDF File
  25. Safe@HavenHigh - Healthy Minds
    PDF File
  26. Safe@HavenHigh - How To Set Parental Controls On Android Phones
    PDF File
  27. Safe@HavenHigh - How To Set Parental Controls On iPhone and iPad
    PDF File
  28. Safe@HavenHigh - How To Set Parental Controls On PS4
    PDF File
  29. Safe@HavenHigh - How To Set Parental Controls On PS5
    PDF File
  30. Safe@HavenHigh - How To Set Parental Controls On XBox
    PDF File
  31. Safe@HavenHigh - Kooth
    PDF File
  32. Safe@HavenHigh - Mental Health Support Team
    PDF File
  33. Safe@HavenHigh - Minimising Self-Harm Risk at Home
    PDF File
  34. Safe@HavenHigh - Parent’s Guide to Sextortion
    PDF File
  35. Safe@HavenHigh - Parents Guide to Misogyny
    PDF File
  36. Safe@HavenHigh - Parents Guide to Reducing Screen Time
    PDF File
  37. Safe@HavenHigh - Parents Guide To Sexual Harassment
    PDF File
  38. Safe@HavenHigh - Samaritans
    PDF File
  39. Safe@HavenHigh - Signs Of Radicalisation In A Teen
    PDF File
  40. Safe@HavenHigh - Sleep Hygiene
    PDF File
  41. Safe@HavenHigh - TAC - Are You Worried or Concerned About Your Child
    PDF File
  42. Safe@HavenHigh - Talk to Frank - Honest information about drugs
    PDF File
  43. Safe@HavenHigh - Young Minds Shout
    PDF File